Wyzant For Schools
Online Learning Tool
Students & Parents
Wyzant for Higher Ed
Popular Topics: Students
Popular Topics: Tutors
Getting Started for Students
Getting Started for Tutors
- How do I get certified for online lessons?
- How should I prepare for my first online lesson?
- Why should I schedule my online lessons on Wyzant?
- How can I help students prepare for their first online lesson?
- Can I use the Wyzant Learning Studio with my students outside of Wyzant?
- What should I do after my online lesson is complete?
Online Learning Tool FAQs
- Online Learning Tool Troubleshooting Tips
- How does online tutoring work?
- What browser do I need to use the Wyzant Learning Studio?
- What if I am having problems connecting to the Wyzant Learning Studio for a lesson?
- Audio/Video FAQs
- Can I try the online tool before scheduling a lesson?
Online Video Tutorials
Whiteboard FAQs
- Instant Book FAQs
- How do I give my student a nickname?
- Tutor Registration FAQs
- Why can't I find my student in my list?
- How do I update my profile?
- How do I upload or change my profile photo?
Tutor Home
- What is my Tutor Dashboard?
- Reviews and Star Ratings Tutor FAQs
- Tutoring safety tips
- I don't live in the US, can I be listed as a tutor on Wyzant?
- Can I offer services other than tutoring on the Wyzant platform?
- Where can I find information about my students?
Tutor Payments
- How do I assess a cancellation fee?
- Tutor Payment Policies
- When will I be paid?
- How do I give a refund to a student?
- How does direct deposit work?
- What is the fee structure for tutors listed on Wyzant?
- Lesson Submission FAQs
- One of my students is disputing a lesson or cancellation fee I submitted. What should I do?
- Can I help a student take a test?
- Can I offer editing or proofreading services?
- May I give a free first lesson or meeting with a student?
- How does the request session feature work?
- How does Wyzant Messaging work?
- Responding to new student requests
- New student requests FAQs
- How can I tell if a message is spam or illegitimate?
- How can I tell if a student has payment information on file?
- Why can't I message my student?
Mobile Apps
Referrals for Tutors
Find a Tutor
- Does Wyzant offer tutoring for homeschool students?
- Finding a Tutor FAQs
- How do I find a tutor?
- How do I order a Background Check?
- How does Wyzant vet tutors?
- How does Wyzant work?
- Can I sign in to my account with my Facebook?
- How do I close or delete my student account?
- How do I edit my student account?
- How do I log in to my student account?
- How do I reset my password?
- How does Wyzant Messages work?
Student Billing
- How do I dispute a lesson or cancellation fee charge?
- How can I add a coupon to my account?
- How do I read my transaction history?
- How do I remove my payment method as the primary source of payment?
- What can my tutor charge for?
- Where can I find a list of my past lessons and charges?
En Español
- Preguntas frecuentes sobre lecciones
- ¿Qué es mi Student Dashboard?
- ¿Cómo funciona el pago en Wyzant?
- ¿Cómo me uno a una lección en línea usando el Online Tool de Wyzant?
- ¿Puedo disputar el cargo de una lección o una tarifa de cancelación?
- ¿Por qué me envían mensajes tutores que yo no he contactado?
- Can a tutor help me take an exam?
- How do I schedule a lesson with my tutor?
- Can I take group lessons?
- Can tutors change their hourly rates?
- Can I tip my tutor?
- How do I cancel a lesson?