Wyzant provides Affiliates with multiple ways to access Wyzant data on tutors listed on our site. The Wyzant search API allows you to perform real-time searches against our site database. The Wyzant feed provides a complete snapshot of active tutors listed on our site at the time of request. Results from both the Feeds and API calls are formatted in XML or JSON and the details can be found here. This documentation will walk you through how to structure your request and get tutors by location and subject.
Wyzant tutor feed
The Wyzant Feed is intended to be consumed by a back-end process and imported into a database. The Feed contains all active tutors listed on Wyzant at the time it’s retrieved. The Feed filesize is quite large and therefore it is expected that each partner will access the Feed at most once per day. Additionally, tutor availability changes frequently so the Feed should be updated at minimum once per week.
To access your Feed use the URL below swapping out the parameter placeholders with the appropriate values as described in the table.
Feed parameters
APIKey |
Your personal API Key can be found in your account. |
FeedFormat |
Either “XML” or “JSON” (without the quotes) depending on the desired formatting of your results set. |
MaxResults(optional) |
For testing purposes you may include a MaxResults value to limit the number of results returned. If this value is omitted then a full listing of all of active tutors listed on Wyzant will be returned. |
Wyzant tutor API
You can use our API to add custom content for tutors listed on Wyzant across your promotional channels. Our API provides real-time search results across all of active tutors listed on our site based on a number of criteria. Below is an explanation of how to execute a search against our API. If you have any questions about working with our API, please contact us at partners@wyzant.com.
Search API
To run a search against our API, simply execute a HTTP POST against the following URL and pass the desired search parameters as form arguments:
Click here to launch a simple test form.
Search parameters
Parameter Name |
Parameter Type |
Parameter Description |
PartnerAPIKey |
string (Wyzant-generated GUID) |
This is your Wyzant-assigned key to access our data. It is encoded into generated links so you get credit for conversions you send to Wyzant. Your personal API key is in your account. |
ChannelName(optional) |
string |
Use ChannelName to assign links generated by this search to any one of your user-defined channels. If no ChannelName parameter is supplied then the Default channel/website will be used. |
SearchString |
string |
This specifies a string to search for in the database. Tutor ad titles, free responses, and subjects/subject qualifications will all be searched for the string entered here. |
ZIP (optional) |
string |
This sets the US ZIP Code of your search. If no value is supplied, the entire database of online tutors is searched with no preferences for location. |
Distance (optional) |
int32 |
The distance in miles from the center of the value supplied by the “ZIP” parameter to search. Distance is calculated as a radius from the center of the supplied “ZIP” parameter. For instance, if the “ZIP” parameter is “60647” and the distance is “20,” only tutors within a twenty mile radius of the center of the 60647 ZIP code will be returned. The default value for the “Distance” parameter is “40“. If the “ZIP” parameter is not supplied then the “Distance” parameter is ignored. |
IsMale (optional) |
boolean |
Use this parameter to search tutors of a specific gender. Valid values are: “true” (only return male tutors) and “false” (only return female tutors). If this parameter is not supplied then both male and female tutors will be returned (default). |
MaxHourly (optional) |
decimal |
If supplied then only tutors with an hourly fee equal to or less than the supplied value will be returned. |
MinHourly (optional) |
decimal |
If supplied then only tutors with an hourly fee equal to or greater than the supplied value will be returned. |
MinAge (optional) |
int32 |
If supplied then only tutors who are “MinAge” years or older will be returned. |
MaxAge (optional) |
int32 |
If supplied then only tutors who are “MaxAge” years or younger will be returned. |
MaxResults (optional) |
int32 |
If supplied then no more than “MaxResults” tutors will be returned. |
ResultsFormat(optional) |
string |
Specifies the desired formatting for the results set. Results can be returned in either XML or JSON (default). |
Sample calls
Accounting tutors in zip code 60647:
Online excel tutors under $60 per hour:
Female Algebra tutors in XML format:
API & Data feed results formats
Whether you choose to have your results formatted as XML or JSON, the result set will contain an array of Wyzant Tutor objects.
NOTE: Field Names listed below with an asterisk are restricted access and will be empty in your result sets by default. To gain access to these fields please contact Wyzant at partners@wyzant.com.
Field Name |
Data Type |
Description |
TutorID |
Int32 |
Wyzant’s unique ID for the Tutor record. |
Name |
String |
The Tutor’s First Name and Last Initial. |
City |
String |
The city name where the Tutor does business. |
State |
String |
The two-letter state abbreviation where the Tutor does business. |
String |
The ZIP code where the Tutor does business. |
Title * |
String |
The title that the Tutor has chosen as the header for their profile. |
FeePerHour |
Decimal |
The hourly rate the Tutor charges. |
FreeResponse * |
String |
The Tutor’s personal description of themselves and their tutoring experience. |
TravelDistance |
Int32 |
The number of miles the Tutor is willing to travel from their home to tutor. |
TutorPictures * |
String[] |
A list of hrefs pointing to pictures the Tutor has uploaded. (the main Tutor picture will always be included by default) |
ProfileLink |
String |
A link to the Tutor’s profile page on Wyzant.com. This is the preferred link to show your users as it converts better than the EmailLink described below. This link includes query string parameters that will guarantee that students clicking it will be credited to your account. |
EmailLink |
String |
A link to the Tutor’s contact page on Wyzant.com. This link includes query string parameters that will guarantee that students clicking it will be credited to your account. |
Subjects |
Subject[] |
A list of the Subjects the Tutor is certified to teach. |
Reviews * |
Review[] |
A list of Wyzant Student reviews of this Tutor, if available. |
StarRatingAverage |
Decimal |
The average rating (on a scale of 1-5) the Tutor has received from Wyzant Students. |
StarRatingCount |
Int32 |
The number of StarRatings the Tutor has received from Wyzant Students. |
TutorRank |
Decimal |
Represents the Tutor’s overall ranking in relation to other Tutors according to Wyzant’s proprietary algorithm. A larger number indicates a better Tutor. |
College* |
string |
The college the Tutor attended or is attending. |
OffersInPersonLessons |
boolean |
Results will be “true” if they offer tutoring lessons in person or “false” if they do not. |
OffersOnlineLessons |
boolean |
Results will be “true” if they offer online tutoring lessons or “false” if they do not. |
XML format
Wyzant’s XML-formatted results are perfect for consumption by a back-end process. Click the link below to see some sample output.
JSON format
Wyzant’s JSON-formatted results are intended to be consumed by JavaScript code running client-side. Click the link below to see some sample output.
Error codes
{"error":"Could not find Partner associated with API Key:"}
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