How do I apply to a tutoring job?

You can apply to tutoring jobs using a link sent to you via email or text notification or from the Tutoring Jobs page found under the My Business dropdown menu at the top of your dashboard. Available jobs will have a clickable blue subject title. Clicking this link will open the job application page where you will be asked to complete and submit your job application.


From the job application page, you will be prompted to include a personal note to the student (for which you can use a template), include subject qualifications, and select a relevant student testimonial. In this view, you will also see relevant details about the job, like if the student has billing on file.


Standard jobs will include an optional Update your hourly rate section where it will list the recommended rate for the job and your current default rate for that job application (based on your online or in-person default rates listed on your profile).

You can choose to update your hourly rate for the job application at this time by editing the “Your application’s hourly rate” field. Our data shows that you are more likely to hear back from students if your job application’s hourly rate is within $10 of the recommended rate.

Updating your hourly rate on an application will not affect your public or in-person default rates, or any rates for future job applications. The recommended rate is meant as a guideline for you to assess student fit before applying to a job. You will not be penalized for not adjusting your rate.


There may be some jobs for which you will not be able to edit your hourly rate. This happens when you have an existing connection with a student. The rate shown in the “Your application’s hourly rate” section will reflect the hourly rate set at the time your connection with this student was formed. To change this hourly rate, you must request a rate change. A connection is formed when a student directly contacts you or when you apply to a job for that student - regardless of whether or not that connection resulted in a lesson.

In the case that we are not able to calculate a recommended rate for a job, none will be listed in this section.

To apply to a job for a Partnership student, you are required to agree to the listed Partner hourly rate before submitting your application. This hourly rate is set by the school or institution paying for the student’s tutoring. The student is not aware of this rate as they are not responsible for payment.


Once your application is complete, click “submit application.” This will redirect you to the Tutoring Jobs search page and you will see a success message indicating your application was submitted successfully.


You can view a copy of your submitted application by clicking the “view application” link in the success message, by selecting the application from the “Recent Applications” section or by navigating to your application history by selecting View Job Applications at the top right-hand side of the page. Keep in mind that once an application is sent out, you cannot edit the application.

When a student responds to an application, you’ll receive an email notification. Try to respond to the student as quickly as possible to help you secure the job and schedule an upcoming lesson.

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