Why do my response statistics appear to be incorrect?

Your response rate and response time are measures of how quickly you respond to the first messages from potential new students. They're recalculated on an hourly basis and take 60 days of data into account. 

When you receive a new message from a student, our system takes time to recalculate your response rate and response time. The only messages included in this calculation are the first messages sent from students who contact your account directly. Messages from students you are already connected with or who are responding to a job application are not used to calculate your response statistics.

Because our system recalculates response rates and times hourly, after responding to a new message from a student, there may be a short period of time wherein your response rate and response time do not yet include your most recent reply to a student.

Please note that when a student's account has been closed, our system will remove their request from your response statistics within 24 hours.

When the response rate visible to you on your profile updates, it will accurately reflect the latest replies you've sent from Wyzant Messages.

IMPORTANT: Your response rate is never visible to students. Students can only see your response time, which is calculated independently of your response rate. 

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