How do I create a new student account and request a tutor?

You create a new student account by clicking on the “Request a Tutor” button on the navigation header present on every page.


You can then search for an existing student, which is useful if you think the student may already have a Wyzant account, or select “add a new student to Wyzant.”  


Fill in the required student details on the “Add a Student to Wyzant” form - first and last name, student’s physical timezone (this helps them schedule online sessions with tutors in other timezones), student’s higher ed email address, and student’s program. Clicking “Create Account” will generate the student’s account and show you a confirmation message.


At this point the student’s account has been created, but you still need to submit a tutoring request to complete the process and make sure students are able to connect with tutors as soon as possible. To do this select “Request a Tutor for [Student]” on the confirmation page.


Complete this form by selecting a course from the dropdown list. Only courses pre-approved for tutoring will be present on this list. If you do not see the course you are looking for on this list, contact one of your program's Admin users. Selecting a course from the dropdown will populate the default duration and hourly rate flags. Admin users set these defaults when they approve a course for tutoring and add it to the Wyzant for Higher Ed course list. These defaults are not editable by Advocate users.

Finally, include a detailed description of the student’s tutoring needs. This description will be made public to tutors so they can understand whether or not they will be able to help the student - so the more specific the better!


Clicking “Post Request” will generate the student’s tutoring request and show you a confirmation message.


The student will receive a confirmation email asking them to activate their account and letting them know that qualified tutors will begin contacting them (through the messaging feature on in the next 24 hours.


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