A tutoring job is created any time a prospective student directly contacts a tutor asking for help, goes through the “request a tutor” flow (where they bypass search and go directly to posting a job), or, in the case of Partnership students, when a request for tutoring is submitted by the student or an advocate acting on the student's behalf.
Active jobs are listed on the Tutoring Jobs page. This page defaults to show you online jobs for “My subjects.” You can change the search results by using the filters. These include:
By subject:
- “My subjects” will show jobs for the approved subjects you have opted in to tutor.
- “All subjects” will show jobs for all subjects Wyzant provides tutoring for. You are not able to view or apply to jobs you are not qualified for.
- Alternatively, you can view jobs for a specific subject by selecting a subject from the alphabetized list, by either scrolling the list or typing a search term into the search box.
By location:
- Toggling to “Online” will show jobs where students are looking to connect with a tutor to provide lessons online.
- Toggling to “In person” will default the Location filter to “My travel radius” and show jobs where students are looking to connect with a tutor to provide lessons in person that fall within the travel radius set on your tutor profile. By changing the Location filter to “Specific Location,” setting a ZIP Code, and a distance, you can browse more jobs closer or nearer to a location of your choosing.
Job types and additional information
Recommended rate: This student has contacted tutors at or below this hourly rate. You are more likely to hear back from them if the hourly rate for your job application matches or is close to (within $10) of this recommended rate. You can update your hourly rate for a job when applying. Updating your hourly rate on an application will not affect your public or in-person default rates, or any rates for future job applications for other students. The recommended rate is meant as a guideline for you to assess student fit before applying to a job. You will not be penalized for not adjusting your rate.
Ask about online lessons: An “Online” jobs search also shows jobs for students who were originally looking for in-person lessons, but have too few tutors close to them, so online lessons may be a better option. These jobs are denoted with the “Ask about online lessons” tooltip.
Partnership student and required rate: Partnership students are pre-approved for multiple tutoring sessions. They do not pay for their own tutoring and are subject to an hourly rate budget set by their institution. This is listed on the job as a “required rate” and you must agree to the required rate when applying to the job. You may see several identical postings; each one represents a unique tutoring opportunity, often from multiple students taking the same class. Agreeing to the required rate will not affect your public or in-person default rates, or any rates for future job applications for other students.
Viewing and applying to jobs
Available jobs will have a clickable blue subject title. Clicking this link will open the job application page where you can view additional jobs details and complete your job application.
For more information on applying to jobs, see this article.
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