Reviews and Star Ratings Tutor FAQs

Below you will find some answers to frequently asked questions about star ratings and reviews. This article is for tutor users.

In this article: 

What are star ratings and reviews?

How are my ratings calculated?

What can I do about a low lesson rating?

What can I do about a negative written review from a student?

How do testimonials work?


What are star ratings and reviews?

Getting positive feedback from students is a great way to improve your ranking and visibility on Wyzant. Students you work with on Wyzant can provide feedback, which helps potential students know more about you, and can help you fine-tune your tutoring.

Students can leave feedback 2 ways:

  • Star Ratings: Star ratings are a simple system of "grading" specific lessons. Students have 14 days from when you submit a lesson to add or edit a star rating. Ratings can range from 5 (Excellent) to 1 (Poor). Your public profile will display your average star rating, as well as a breakdown of how many ratings you’ve received.
  • Written Reviews: Students can also write reviews about their overall experience with you. Like star ratings, students have 14 days from when you submit a lesson to provide written feedback. These reviews are closely monitored by our Review Team, who checks all submitted reviews for appropriate content and relevance to tutoring. Tutors also have the ability to respond to written feedback.

Wyzant publishes all student feedback, so long as it’s relevant to the student’s experience working with their tutor. If you ever have questions or concerns about the feedback you’ve received or would like to know how to have feedback removed from your profile, you can contact Customer Support for assistance. You can also manage your reviews and ratings by logging into your account and going to your Feedback page.

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How are my ratings calculated?

Your star rating is an average of the ratings you’ve received for lessons. It’s rounded to the nearest tenth and is refreshed daily.

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What can I do about a low lesson rating?

If you wish to have a low star rating edited or removed, here are some options:

  1. Contact the student: Students have 14 days from the time a lesson was submitted to edit their star rating. You can reach out to students via Wyzant Messages to inquire about the rating and ask them if they’d be willing to reconsider their selection. 
  2. Void the lesson: Within 14 days of the lesson, you can elect to void the lesson, thus removing the star rating and forfeiting your payment. You can void a lesson from your Lessons page by clicking the lesson you want to void, and selecting the Void lesson link near the bottom of the page. If you are within 14 days of the lesson and wish to void it but you were already paid for the lesson, 

Please note that Wyzant will not remove a star rating without a student's consent. We understand that a low star rating may not be an accurate reflection of your tutoring; however, the students are paying for a service, and we provide them with the ability to offer feedback about their experience.

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What can I do about a negative written review from a student?

Negative reviews are never fun, but here are guidelines to consider if you have a student who writes a negative review. We recommend you think through each option before taking action.

  • Reach out directly to the student and ask for additional feedback, and also ask if they’d be willing to try another lesson and potentially edit their review after that lesson. A student can reach out to Customer Support for assistance with editing or removing a written review. 
  • Comment or provide a response to the student's review that helps clarify the situation. This may not mean that the student will change their review, but will be helpful for new students who view your profile.

If you have only had one lesson with a student and they write a bad review, you may void the lesson. Keep in mind that voiding a lesson will also mean that you will not be paid for the lesson. Also, if you have had more than one lesson with a student, the option to void those lessons because of a negative review will not be possible. You can void a lesson from your Lessons page by clicking the lesson you want to void, and selecting the Void Lesson link near the bottom of the page. Upon voiding the lesson, contact Customer Support for assistance with making sure the written review has been removed. 

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How do testimonials work?

We offer two forms of testimonials. The first is for Wyzant as a service. The second is written reviews from students for specific tutors.

Website testimonials

Testimonials are reviews that students and tutors can post about their experiences with Wyzant. You can submit a testimonial by visiting the Reviews and Testimonials page and clicking Write a Review. Once your testimonial is submitted, it will enter a queue for review.

Student reviews

Students on Wyzant are able to leave written feedback for any of the tutors they have lessons with through the site up to 14 days after the lesson has been submitted. Once you submit a lesson for a student, the student can write a review that will be posted on your public profile for potential students to see. If you’d like to send a request for your student to submit feedback follow these easy steps:

  1. Go to your Student Connections page to find a student you would like to request a review from.
  2. Click the Request link on that student’s row in the Review column.

After your student submits written feedback for your profile, it is reviewed by us to ensure it adheres to our guidelines. If the review is approved, you will be able to see the review on your Feedback page.


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